Saturday, November 8, 2014

Board Minutes - 4 November 2014

Yorkshire Hills Board Mtg
Nov 4 2014 7pm Lupton house 9126 Cambridge
Attending: Fred Lupton, Mike Ward, Steve H. By Phone Mary N. Absent Clarke Macy. Minutes by FWL posted by MW.

  1. No treasure report due to absence. We do think our $400 contractor for directory updates and dues collection was successful.  We need to send follow-up to delinquents.
  2. Roman house sale requests for unusual board documents refused and they were directed to  info on website.
  3. Utility boxes appearances (follow-up from last mtg). Steve in charge of this one. He will ask DTE again and Frontier and Comcast.
  4. Entrance sign lighting: F. Lupton in charge.  I got quote from Aarons landscaping for solar system at around $7700 but we could not agree on a post location that would provide enough sun (southern exposure) and not be under power lines or in front yard of corner houses.
    1. We would like to avoid a permanent billing with a dedicated DTE installation.
    2. FWL spoke to Dennis Yakin on 11/2 at 9000 Yorkshire. He might be willing to do a line from the house with Board install and annual support.  He will consider connection location and type. This will be followed up upon.
  5. Road conditions in sub. We discussed Steve favors proposing major rework or retar and gravel with special assessment district to neighborhood. This is quite costly and the rest of us do not think we are there yet.  FWL offered to ask Jim Harmon with Washtenaw county roads for info and options. Here is his reply dated 11/6/14:
Any preventive maintenance (i.e. crack sealing, sealcoating, asphalt overlay), major rehabilitation or reconstruction of the local, public subdivision roads in Yorkshire Hills Subdivision would probably have to be funded through a Special Assessment District.  Here is a hyperlink to information on the Road Commission website for reference:  If you and the HOA desire further information on this funding option, just let me know and I’ll connect you with Road Commission staff that specialize in this area.

Routine maintenance including, but not limited to pothole patching would be performed by the Road Commission.  I will have our District Foreman inspect the roads in Yorkshire Hills and direct patching where needed.

Thanks, James D. Harmon, P.E.
Director of Operations
Washtenaw County Road Commission
555 North Zeeb Road  Ann Arbor, MI 48103

  1. We ask Clarke Macy to post financials on website…
Meeting over at 8pm