Sunday, June 12, 2016

Yorkshire Hills Board Mtg Minutes 4/21/16

Yorkshire Hills Board Mtg Minutes

Date: 4/21/16 7pm at Lupton House

Attended: G. Ward, R. Dence, F. W. Lupton, Mary Newton. Steve Homan

Minutes by F. Lupton

  1. Financial update from Randy. See Treasurer Report dated April 2016. We are like a corporation (501C3) Randy says we need $375 to catch up with filing with state of MI for nonprofit status.
    1. Motion: Pay approx. $375 and get back to good standing with state of MI. Yes=5. Randy to file paperwork.
  2. Insurance:  We seem to be paying for coverage we do not need.  We do need directors and officers ins. Keep current coverage.
    1. Motion: Allow Randy to move our insurance to Nationwide if comparable coverages for reduced cost. Yes =5.
  3. General Accounting Info:  See Section 2.  Who should be on bank accounts? Pres and Treasurer.
    1. Motion: Lupton to be added to accounts. Yes =5. 

  1. FWL discussed communications and difficulties doing mailings (email). We said we need to do emails as necessary and we don’t really need to go out of way for regular communication for those without email.  We need to also post links on Facebook page but this has a very lower % of units. When we do send email please include link to web and Facebook pages.  FWL really needs someone to take over communications but it is really complex with web pages, blogspot, emails and typing up reports.  
  2. Randy to draft dues billing email. FWL to send out and tell Randy who does not have email or get email rejected, so he can do letters. 
  3. By laws edits for a while. We need to discuss how to do meetings and voting.  We should have a by-lot sign in sheet.  Some suggested voting paddles so we can count accurately but we think too complicated for now.
  4. Discussion of Flowers at entrance signs. We appreciate all the work Jean Ward has done. We need to budget and be specific on expendables.
  5. Annual mtg proposed date is now June 15 2016. 7pm at the gun club contact Gerald Chie.
    1. Motion for expenditure for meeting hall (approx $125) and for Gary Ward to build sandwich board for main entrance only. To be used for posting meeting notice. ($100 budget). Yes =5
  6. Next mtg to discuss budget proposals and continue Bylaws. 

Fred W. Lupton

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